Most business activities fall within unqualified for which no professional competence is set as a condition for performance thereof.
Nevertheless, there are business activities which require special certificates, permissions, and approvals. More information are listed below and sorted by sectors.
Unqualified trade – step-by-step process of obtaining trade licence
No professional competence is set as a condition for conducting an unqualified trade; an entrepreneur must only meet the general conditions for conducting trades.
Anyone complying with general requirements for carrying on a trade and reporting the trade at a trade licence office may pursue an unqualified trade. General requirements to be met are as follow: the age of 18 or more, competence to perform legal acts and a good character of an entrepreneur.
The group of unqualified trades consists of a whole range of activities.
A detailed list of unqualified trades.
When in doubt if the trade is unqualified do not hesitate to contact any trade licence office.
Declaring unqualified trade
Declaration can be submitted:
- at any trade licence office
- via public administration contact points (the so-called Czech POINT) – in Czech only and electronically,
- via the information system provided by the Register of Trade Business – in Czech only
Registration form:
The declaration may only be submitted using the Single Registration Form.
Conditions for pursuing a trade + notification requisites and appendices
An authorisation to carry on a trade comes into effect on the day of the declaration or on the later day stated therein.
The business can be conducted provided all the above stated requirements are met.
Overview of all guidelines for business activities
Most business activities fall within unqualified trades which are not subject to required professional competence. The electronic version of Point of Single Contact (PSC) brings detailed and granted guidelines for more than 180 business activities in various sectors. The guidelines describe procedures for acquiring all permissions required for conducting a business activity, including all forms and applications.
There are business activities which require special certificates, permissions, and approvals. More information is provided below and sorted by sectors. Alternatively, all available guides are listed in the overview of all guidelines bellow.