Main information

National rules for organised events and for door-to-door selling.

Some contracting methods are subject to specific regulations aimed at protecting vulnerable consumers.

The conclusion of contracts with consumers at a distance and outside business premises is subject to special legislation, which is contained in the Civil Code and which is derived from the Consumer Rights Directive. In these cases, entrepreneurs are obliged to inform consumers about statutorily stipulated facts before concluding a contract. Consumers have the right to withdraw from contracts concluded in this way without giving a reason, within 14 days of concluding the contract.

However, the content of the obligation under a contract concluded in these ways does not differ from cases where the contract is concluded in a brick-and-mortar store. This means that the consumer has the same rights from a defective performance in both cases.

Organized events

The Consumer Protection Act contains several rules that an entrepreneur must comply with at organised events. This regulation was adopted as a result of bad experience with events of this type where consumer rights were violated and abused.

An organised event means an event intended for a limited number of consumers who have been directly or indirectly invited to it, at which products are sold, services provided or promoted or offered, whether or not the event also includes transport for the persons participating in the event.

A seller who intends to sell products or to provide, promote or offer services as part of an organised event, is obliged to notify the Czech Trade Inspection Authority of the specified data at least 10 business days before the organised event.

The invitation to the event must contain any special requisites stipulated by law relating to the identification of the event and its organiser.

Failure to comply with these obligations by the entrepreneur is an administrative infraction.

Door-to-door selling

Municipalities may restrict or prohibit door-to-door selling in their territory through market regulations to protect public order and the safety of citizens. The violation of this ban by an entrepreneur is an administrative infraction.

There are no special rules relating to contract law.

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Additional information

Reference to legal acts

Section 20 et seq. of Act No 634/1992 on consumer protection, as amended, Section 18 of Act No 455/1991 on trade licensing (Trade Licensing Act), as amended

Responsible Public Authority

Ministerstvo spravedlnosti
Datová schránka: kq4aawz

Last checked at 27.11.2020

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