Main information

Rules for businesses (legal entities) from EU Member States.

European corporations may transfer their registered office to Czechia without having to be wound up and re-incorporated, unless this is forbidden by the legislation of the Member State in which they are established or the legislation of the state governing their internal legal affairs. When transferring their registered office, they are required to change their legal form to a Czech company or Czech cooperative and, following the transfer, their internal legal affairs must be governed by Czech law.

A foreign legal entity cannot transfer its registered office to Czechia if it is in liquidation or if insolvency or any similar proceedings have been opened against it. If a legal entity is transformed into a private limited company, a public limited company or a cooperative, an expert opinion (or other document prescribed by law) must be submitted which certifies that the legal entity’s assets are equivalent to at least the amount of its registered capital stated in the incorporation document required by Czech law. The expert must have been appointed by a court in Czechia.

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Additional information

Reference to legal acts

Section 384 et seq. of Act No 125/2008 on the transformation of companies and cooperatives

Responsible Public Authority

Ministerstvo spravedlnosti
Datová schránka: kq4aawz

Last checked at 26.11.2020

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