Act No. 19/1993 Coll., on the state administration bodies of the Czech Republic in the field of hallmarking and the testing of precious metals

Main information

Law type

National rules applying in general and not to a specific good

Product type

Precious metals

Direct link to rule


Act regulates scope of activity of authorities of state administration of the Czech Republic in field of hallmarkng and testing of precious metals.

Main requirements that the business user needs to know about

Obligations related to : - collecting of hallmarking chareges - obligations of producers and traders contact appointed branche of Assay Office (not validf or other legal or privat entities) - requirements of sales document (silver goods of mass not above 10 gramms)

Good(s) subject to prior authorisation under national law


Public Administration responsible for accuracy

Puncovní úřad, Kozí 4, 110 00 Praha 1

Contact details of the national responsible bodies is encouraged

Assay Office Ministry of Industry and Trade

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