Main information about the service

In a situation where you are authorized to perform the activity in question in the Czech Republic and this activity is not regulated in the Czech Republic and you intend to perform this activity in the EU Member State where it is regulated, you can apply for a certificate from the relevant competent authority or educational institution that confirms that you are authorized to perform this activity in the Czech Republic.

This certificate is usually one of the documents accompanying the application for recognition of a professional qualification, which must be submitted to the competent authority body in another Member State if it so requests.

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Does this apply to me?

You are a natural person who is authorized in the Czech Republic to perform an activity which is not regulated in the Czech Republic and you intend to perform it in another Member State of the European Union, the European Economic Area or Switzerland, where it is regulated.

Service outcome

Certificate of professional qualification and performance of the activity in question.

Service benefit

The certificate is one of the documents accompanying the application for recognition of professional qualifications, which must be submitted to the competent authority in another Member State (if requested) so that you can carry out the regulated activity for which you are qualified.

When to address the service

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Before applying for recognition of professional qualifications in another Member State of the European Union, the EEA or Switzerland, where you are going to pursue a regulated profession or during the procedure for recognition of professional qualifications.

How to get the service

What do you need when solving the service electronically

The application, which must show who is making it and which matters, must be accompanied by documents confirming the facts of the application. When issuing certain certificates, a declaration on honor may be submitted instead of proof.

You can find a list of these situations in § 29a of Act No. 18/2004 Coll.

Where and how to solve the service electronically

By sending an application for the issuance of a certificate by data box or with a recognized electronic signature by e-mail to the Central Administrative Office of the Czech Republic, within whose competence the activity in question belongs or whose competence is the closest activity in question, or to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or The Ministry of Defense or the Ministry of the Interior or the relevant university or other educational institution of the Czech Republic. Contacts for competent authority can be found on the website of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

Could be solved via e-identity


Is the service charged when solving electronically


The fee for electronically processed service

The certificate is charged an administrative fee of CZK 1,000.

You can pay the fee by a stamp affixed to the application or by bank account of the competent authority.

What you’ll need to provide

The application, which must show who is making it and which matters, must be accompanied by documents confirming the facts of the application. When issuing certain certificates, a declaration on honor may be submitted instead of proof.

You can find a list of these situations in § 29a of Act No. 18/2004 Coll.

Where to solve the service

Send the application to the Central Administrative Office of the Czech Republic, within whose competence the activity in question belongs or whose competence is the closest activity in question, or to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or The Ministry of Defense or the Ministry of the Interior or the relevant university or other educational institution of the Czech Republic. Contacts for competent authority can be found on the website of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

Is the service charged when solving in person?


The fee for in person processed service

The certificate is charged an administrative fee of CZK 1,000.

You can pay the fee by a stamp affixed to the application or by bank account of the competent authority.

Responsible Public Authority

Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Karmelitská 529/5
Malá Strana
11800 Praha 1
Datová schránka: vidaawt

Additional information about the service

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions can be found on the website of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

Communication language

Czech language

Last checked at 18.01.2022

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