Main information about the service

The European Professional Card (EPC) is an electronic procedure that allows you to have your professional qualification recognized in an EU country other than the one in which you obtained your qualification. You can monitor the status of your application online, and you can re-use the documents you store in the system if you apply for recognition of your qualification in another country.

Once the application has been approved, you will be able to download an European Professional Card in PDF format, which contains a reference number on the basis of which a potential employer can verify the validity of your license online. The European Professional Card is not a card in the true sense of the word. It has no physical form. It is an electronic document of completed administrative procedure through which your professional qualification for the performance of a regulated profession has been recognized or proof that you have fulfilled the conditions for the provision of temporary or occasional services.

You can also apply for the Recognition of professional qualification or send the Declaration of temporary or occasional provision of services in writing.

The European Professional Card is only available for the professions nurse responsible for general care, pharmacist, physiotherapist, mountain guide activity (mountain guide), real estate agent. In other cases, an application for recognition of professional qualification or declaration of temporary or occasional provision of services must be submitted.

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Does this apply to me?

If you want to pursue a regulated profession as an established person or to provide services on a temporary or occasional basis in an EU Member State other than the one you are qualified for, and you are a member of the following professions:

  • nurse responsible for general care
  • pharmacist
  • physiotherapist
  • mountain guide activity (mountain guide)
  • real estate agent

Service outcome

European professional card

Service benefit

You may pursue a regulated profession as an established person or provide a service temporarily or occasionally in a Member State of the European Union.

When to address the service

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Before commencing the regulated profession in the case of establishment or before the first provision of a service.

How to get the service

What do you need when solving the service electronically

Register on the website of the European Commission's Authentication Service. On these pages you will also find information on the required documents and fees in the individual member states of the European Union.

Where and how to solve the service electronically

Once you have created a profile you can proceed to create a specific application. First you need to fill in the following information:

  • country of origin: the home country of the EU where you are established,
  • host country: the EU country where you intend to establish or provide services on a temporary or occasional basis,
  • occupation: a situation may arise, that the occupation covered by the EPC procedure is not listed, as this particular profession is not regulated in the host country,
  • the diploma is eligible for automatic recognition: after clicking on the "i" symbol, a list of diplomas that are eligible for automatic recognition will be displayed.

After saving the above information, you move to the section called "documents", where you are required to upload all documents and confirmation of payment of the administrative fee.

After completing all the previous steps, check the "submit" box to complete the application. Once the application is submitted, a summary of the application can be printed in PDF format. This summary is not a confirmation of EPC.

Could be solved via e-identity


Is the service charged when solving electronically


The fee for electronically processed service

The administrative fee for accepting an application or issuing a European professional card for establishment is set at CZK 1,000. The fee may be paid to the bank account of the competent authority.

What you’ll need to provide

You can also submit your application for a European Professional Card in paper form to your home competent authority. Upon that request, the recognition authority shall create a file for you in the Internal Market Information System according to the information provided in the request. Information on the required documents in the individual Member States of the European Union can be obtained on the website of the European Commission.

The competent authority will not require you to provide the application with documents that are already in the file in IMI.

Where to solve the service

For the profession of nurse responsible for general care, pharmacist and physiotherapist, the competent authority is the Ministry of Health:

Ministry of Health
Palackého nám. 4
128 01 Prague

For the activity of mountain guide (mountain leader) and the profession real estate agent, the competent authority is the Ministry of Industry and Trade:

Ministry of Industry and Trade
Na Františku 32
110 15 Prague

The recognition body will confirm acceptance of your application within one week of receiving the application for a European Professional Card in an EU Member State other than the Czech Republic. If your application does not contain all the documents, you will be set a deadline  to complete it. In case of doubt, you may be invited to submit original documents or certified copies.

Is the service charged when solving in person?


The fee for in person processed service

The administrative fee for accepting an application or issuing a European professional card for establishment is set at CZK 1,000,-. The fee may be paid to the bank account of the competent authority.

Responsible Public Authority

Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Karmelitská 529/5
Malá Strana
11800 Praha 1
Datová schránka: vidaawt

Additional information about the service

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In case of failure to notify before the first provision of the service, a fine of up to CZK 10,000 may be imposed, and possibly also a ban on activities for up to 1 year.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions can be found on the website of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

Communication language

Czech language

Last checked at 01.02.2022

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