Main information about the service

Based on the agreement between the Czech Republic and the United States of America to improve international tax compliance and with respect to the United States' information and reporting legislation commonly known as the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (‘FATCA’) Czech financial institutions are required to file a Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act Report.

Reporting Czech financial institutions are also obliged to register for FATCA purposes through the IRS registration system, and as part of the registration they will be assigned a ‘GIIN’ (Global Intermediary Identification Number). Reporting Czech financial institutions and non-reporting financial institutions that maintain a reportable account held by a reported U.S. person are required to apply for a GIIN. 

A financial institution must apply for a GIIN so that it is obtained no later than the day before the day on which it is due to file a report with the tax authorities, which is due by 3 May of the calendar year in which the financial institution is due to file its first report. The registration number (GIIN) must be reported by the financial institution to the tax authorities.

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Does this apply to me?

You are a Czech reporting financial institution (a custodial institution, depository institution, investment entity, or specified insurance company) that maintains financial accounts held by a reporting person (a US citizen).

Service outcome

Compliance with the legal obligation to file a Financial Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) Report

Service benefit

Ensuring compliance with the agreement between the Czech Republic and the United States of America to improve international tax compliance known as the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act.

When to address the service

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The report shall be submitted by 30 June of the calendar year following the calendar year for which it is submitted.

How to get the service

What do you need when solving the service electronically

The FATCA Report form, which can be found on the MOJE daně portal or it can be found after logging in to DIS+ ("Online Financial Office" tile) in the "Electronic Forms" section.

The FATCA form contains only basic identification data and a declaration that the financial institution concerned has complied with the relevant FATCA requirements under the law (fulfilment of the due diligence obligation or that due diligence procedures or comparable procedures have been applied). An integral attachment to the form is an .xml file containing the actual notification data.

Where and how to solve the service electronically

The completed form, including the attached attachment, can then be submitted directly via the MOJE daně portal or after logging in to DIS+.

e-Government portal


Could be solved via e-identity


Is the service charged when solving electronically


Responsible Public Authority

Generální finanční ředitelství
Datová schránka: p9iwj4f

Additional information about the service

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Obligations of a non-monetary nature for the violation of which a fine may be imposed include the obligation to verify, the obligation to ascertain, the obligation to keep documents, to obtain an identification number, and reporting or other notification obligations established by the Tax Code or the tax administrator.

The tax administrator may impose a fine of up to CZK 500 000 on a reporting financial institution or a non-reporting Czech financial institution if it breaches its reporting obligations.

A fine for failure to comply with an obligation of a non-monetary nature may be imposed for failure to comply with a registration, reporting or other notification obligation set out in the Tax Code or by the tax administrator. A fine may also be imposed for failure to comply with the recording or other registration obligation set out in the Tax Code. These fines can be imposed repeatedly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find more information about FATCA?

Communication language


Last checked at 08.10.2024

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