Main information about the service

During the proceedings on the permit for the storage site, the District Mining Authority informs the public about the requirements of the permit procedure.

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Does this apply to me?

You are interested in finding out information about the operation of the storage site already at the stage of the permitting procedure.

Service outcome

Informing the public

Service benefit

Public awareness

When to address the service

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The service can be used to inform the public, as well as in business (commercial) activities.

How to get the service

Could be solved via e-identity


Is the service charged when solving electronically


Responsible Public Authority

Český báňský úřad
Kozí 748/4
Staré Město
11000 Praha 1
Datová schránka: rn6aas6

Additional information about the service

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Communication language

Czech language

Last checked at 18.12.2020

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